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EARI12-039: Grazer WB

Applicant: D and E Transport Ltd.

Project Lead: Daniel Paulin

Project Year(s): 2012 -2013      Status: Complete

Funding Source: Canada/New Brunswick Growing Forward (Non-Business Risk Management Programs)

Funding Program: Enabling Agricultural Research and Innovation

Objective: The objective is to design and field test an automated wild blueberry harvester that has the capacity of harvesting to 500 kilograms of fruit per hour. The design will take into account capacity, maneuverability, reducing fruit loss and cost of the machine.

Deliverables: The deliverable will be to build one Grazer WB blueberry harvester prototype. This will include a conveyor system to load blueberries into a bulk box, unloading hydraulic for bulk box, electric over hydraulic of rake operations, automatic rake clean and a digital parts manual.

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